Friday, July 25, 2008

Post #2

I'm sitting in the Tribal Spears Cafe and Gallery on Fred Doug in Harlem, having a cup of coffee before heading to my first rehearsal at 1501 Broadway at noon.  I arrived yesterday morning on the Chinatown Bus  about 6:45(no sleep).  There was literally a monsoon here, and of course I had packed my umbrella, so there I stood on Canal Street with my huge rolling duffel bag and mic stand debating whether to walk west and try to catch a cab, or walk east to the subway stop. Fortunately, a gypsy cab pulled up and after dickering with the cabbie for a bit, I was on my way to Mary's.  The cabbie was a hoot... from Malaysia, and I could only understand about 20% of what he was saying, but he was in high spirits(I was his second to the last fare of the day) and would laugh loudly after blurting something out with much bravado.

Upon arrival at Mary's I started to unpack and then tried to get some sleep but it just wouldn't come.  So I got up, starting putting together my portable voice studio(to see if it would work), took a shower, and eventually headed to East 4th street for an audition for The Onion News Network.  I had found this audition on Actor's Access and after submitting, received a phone call that they wanted to see me.  So here I was with a bunch of other middle-aged actors trying to act like political pundits.  I think I did alright as they had me read twice.  We'll see if I get a callback.  After leaving the Kraine Theater(where the auditions were held), I walked over to 2nd avenue for some lunch. I ran into Stan who had also been at the audition.  He's lived in NYC most of his life and gave me some tips on a few agents to contact, etc.  Nice guy.  Then, after coffee at Starbucks, headed back to Mary's for a nap with Donald(her dog).  

Upon arising, I took another shower(you take a lot of showers in NYC), and headed to West 97th street to meet the cast of "One Nation Under", and do our first read through.  I think this is gonna be a lot of fun.  The cast is great, the director seems like a decent enough fellow, and the playwright is quite jolly.  Everyone is into it and I think this is gonna be a great experience. It's 11:15am now so I'll head over to Broadway in about 15 minutes.  Then, after 2 hours of rehearsal, I'm heading to the West Village for a go-see sent to me by my agent here, Ramona Pitera of Gilla Roos.  It's for a print job and, honestly, go-sees suck cause they're nothing more than cattle calls(hundreds of people) but I might as well see as many agents, agency people, and casting directors as possible while I'm here.  Then it's back to rehearsal and then a night of debauchery and drinking.  Perhaps with lovely Miss Andi Healy or Mr. Matt Crowley.  More later.       

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